Use "got to his feet|get to his foot" in a sentence

1. He got shakily to his feet.

2. 5 No wonder his feet perspire profusely and are prone to athlete's foot.

3. 24 No wonder his feet perspire profusely and are prone to athlete's foot.

4. He got to his feet and walked to the window and parted the muslin curtains.

5. " Get the feet, " said Jaffers between his teeth.

6. Dave helps Jerry get back on his feet.

7. He rose to his feet to deliver his speech.

8. He staggered to his feet.

9. He scrambled awkwardly to his feet.

10. He scrambled Awkwardly to his feet

11. He staggered drunkenly to his feet.

12. His feet seem to be insensitive to pain.

13. He got out of his car with difficulty, one elephantine foot first, then the bulk of his enormous body.

14. Fedorov writhed from his attacker's grip and sprang to his feet.

15. 17 He rose unsteadily to his feet.

16. The troll clambered to his feet, laughing and retrieved his stick.

17. He tottered drunkenly to his feet and reached inside his jacket.

18. The wounded soldier tottered to his feet.

19. Graham was still struggling to get to his feet when Zlotin caught him Agonizingly in the ribs with the tip of his steel-capped boot

20. And then something happened to his rear - most foot, and he went headlong and rolled sideways just in time to graze the feet of his brother and partner, following headlong.

21. Viol sprang to his feet, politely drawing back to allow his superior to precede him.

22. It may be necessary to amputate his foot.

23. The little boy was stamping his foot and refusing to take his medicine.

24. He sprang to his feet, grabbing his keys off the coffee table.

25. He stamped his feet to shake off the snow from his boots.

26. His new shoes chafed his feet.

27. Somewhere for Fatty to put his feet on.

28. 3 Viol sprang to his feet, politely drawing back to allow his superior to precede him.

29. He sprang to his feet and ran outside.

30. A climber plunged 300 feet to his death.

31. The knight stamped his feet to keep warm.

32. 15 Mitchell made excuses, but she ignored his inertia, made him get on his feet, walk, hold her.

33. The old man staggered drunkenly to his feet.

34. 50 Throwing off his outer garment, he leaped to his feet and went to Jesus.

35. He's got to keep his nose to the grindstone to feed his six children.

36. Baalsrud cut off his remaining toes with a penknife to save his feet.

37. Mitchell dragged his steps, his feet telling him to become an immovable object.

38. 10 He stamped his feet to shake off the snow from his boots.

39. He dropped the photograph and ground his foot into it to show his hatred of his wife's lover.

40. Every man's got to pull his weight.

41. He shifted his weight onto his back foot.

42. 23 His foot eased to the gas pedal, then froze.

43. He frowned and stamped his feet to portray anger.

44. Tom took his seat again and lifted his feet up on to the railing.

45. He grinned, clambered to his feet and jiggled excitedly.

46. This chief came Bedaubed from head to foot with White Clay, with no moccasins on his feet, though the cold was severe & a robe merely thrown round his naked body

47. With considerable difficulty, Kirov managed to hoist the photographer to his feet, supporting his dead-weight by his arm-pits.

48. My father inhaled richly and rose to his feet.

49. He assiduously avoided her glance all through dinner, and as soon as the coffee was served he got to his feet.

50. Anachronos motioned to a scarab scuttling below his feet.

51. He scrambled to his feet as we came in.

52. He sprang to his feet and rushed after her.

53. When gangrene set in, his foot had to be amputated.

54. This chief came Bedaubed from head to foot with White Clay, with no moccasins on his feet, though the cold was severe & a robe merely thrown round his naked body

55. 23 He dropped the photograph and ground his foot into it to show his hatred of his wife's lover.

56. His new shoes raised blisters on his feet.

57. With that, and with what they got for the flask, Fritz was able to buy his Countship, although he could never hunt owing to the loss of his right hand, and Franz was able to buy his Burgomastership, although the loss of his foot prevented his walking properly in processions

58. His feet smelt revolting.

59. They had to amputate his foot to free him from the wreckage.

60. He put his foot wrong.

61. A paramedic bandaged his foot.

62. To his consternation, when he got to the airport he found he'd forgotten his passport.

63. He's even got his back to the door.

64. 22 The black guy starts clambering to his feet while Vinnie dithers with his knife.

65. You have to get his lighter.

66. But a man's got a right to protect his property and his life.

67. They fall at his feet and ‘do obeisance to him.’

68. He rose to his feet and struck up a reel.

69. The Peruvian painter uses his mouth and foot to hold paintbrush.

70. He got a scholarship to college, with it he got his degree

71. Alexei rose to his feet with a single effortless movement.

72. He jumped to his feet and called out a greeting.

73. Awaking with a start, the sleepyhead jumped to his feet.

74. (1 Samuel 13:23) To reach it, he would have to climb, using “his hands and his feet.”

75. As Bellet struggled to get back on his feet, Ivankov jumped and landed right in front of him, shocking Bellet

76. He paused to get his bearings.

77. He had hurt his left foot and had to hop along.

78. The father pleaded with his son to get his patriarchal blessing.

79. He jammed his brakes, and stopped his circling feet.

80. He put his foot down straightaway.